Sunday, March 29, 2009

Perspective Check

This is about the girl in her bedroom who poses in front of the camera she's awkwardly holding in her outstretched hand. She'll take a hundred photos until coming up with one she's happy with, which inevitably looks nothing like her, and after she's done poring over images of herself, will post one on her myspace page and then write something like " I don't give a f*ck what you think about me."

This is about the person trying out for American Idol, who while going off about how confident they are that they were born ready to sing in front of the world, are trembling so badly they can hardly breathe.

This is about me, a guy who on February 28, 2009 tried to convince you to wrap yourself in the silver lining of any situation, and exactly one month later spews out one of the most hopeless and despondent posts that is really unlike me.

I have never seen a bigger contradiction than "The Frontal Lobe".

I think I'll stick to the silver lining though.

Note to self:
When upset, do yourself a favor and sing "blackbird" or "life is a song" to yourself. If you don't like the tone, go bake brownies.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Found my "Johns Hopkins Pre-college 2008: we'll get you there" t-shirt the other day...too bad it didn't or anywhere else. It's really hard to be optimistic right now. Just feels like the last four years were encompassed succinctly by the words "the committee reviewed your application and is unable to offer you admission into the upcoming freshman class." I guess it has been a theme all year...letdowns, disappointments and just things that didn't work out as I thought they would. I don't know what my next move is or where my next step is. It's like I'm surrounded by water.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Eighteen Years

The A&P will forever be a part of my childhood as it was in the pharmacy department where I celebrated my coming of age by toasting an energy drink with Dan and Qway. Eighteen years. All I can be is thankful.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Random Things

Saw this on the official Jonas Brothers Myspace:

"hey joe i think youre really hot and my daughter thinks so too!"

Apparently the age range of Jonas Brother fans is much larger than I thought...

Most Asian people I know like taking jumping pictures, and who wouldn't? It's a skill to be able to jump, steady your hand and click in a short time span. But these pictures take it to a whole new level. None of these pictures are enhanced, by the way:

show offs.