Tuesday, March 15, 2011

There is no one I disapprove of or believe in more than myself

The thing about writing about your birthday is just that...it's your birthday and while your coming of age means a lot to you, it's something personal and people would more likely classify it under the "don't really give a shit" drawer than on the "I really care about that!" pile. But anyway...

It is my twentieth and yeah there is a big difference between being nineteen and trying to get into a bar and being twenty and trying to get somewhere in life. I guess I could have been a lot more prepared for the latter if it weren't for all those nights that I forsook studying in order to learn how to play some John Mayer song on the guitar. But you know what they say...a B is temporary but impressing girls with "Daughters" at some lame party where douches play the acoustic guitar to impress...that's forever. (They actually don't say that)

Given all the opportunities and encouragement that my parents have given me, the advice my brother has bestowed upon me, the chances to do well that college has offered me...I can honestly say that I've underachieved pretty amazingly. I don't have to worry about being able to afford to go to college or travel somewhere in order to do research in a lab yet I've pretty much failed in taking advantages of any of those things.

But you know, that's why I wake up and put my two legs through my pant legs every morning--because this isn't the end and I guess it's time to put the last twenty years of dicking around behind me. And if I wake up and don't put my legs through pant legs then either that day doesn't count as a day where I feel like doing anything productive or I will have turned into a girl and decided to wear a skirt or something. Hope I have less days like the former and absolutely zero days of the latter.

1 comment:

  1. 1.Nobody plays guitar of any kind at parties that don't suck
    2.Last year you weren't innocently and blissfully glad to get in bars, you were searching for stuff to be depressed about, just like now
    3.You don't suck that badly
    4.Kind of a weird analogy at the end and I'm not sure it totally works, i think that could have been done better
